American dinosaur here. I remember the days of the "political lesbian," when some women were trying to make "lesbian" a strictly political identity that didn't require one to be attracted to women at all. Good on you, Scottish Lesbians. I wish you all success.
It’s back to the old days when just being open about being a lesbian is considered to be political.
Thanks for writing about your experience, Jenny, and I hope the Scottish Parliament will reflect on their actions and ensure that nothing similar ever happens again.
Short and sweet says what's on the tin. Scottish Lesbians and you can put it on a badge and wear it with pride. 💜✊️
American dinosaur here. I remember the days of the "political lesbian," when some women were trying to make "lesbian" a strictly political identity that didn't require one to be attracted to women at all. Good on you, Scottish Lesbians. I wish you all success.
And men are not lesbians... It would in fact be quite creepy to stalk lesbians.
Right 'Beth'...?
It’s back to the old days when just being open about being a lesbian is considered to be political.
Thanks for writing about your experience, Jenny, and I hope the Scottish Parliament will reflect on their actions and ensure that nothing similar ever happens again.
Thanks for this post. I had no idea. Reminds me of a blast to the past, as in this great film: